Sunday, October 27, 2013

Can I Get a Witness? Documentary

On October 4-6, 2013 we attended the annual "Witnesses Now for Jesus Convention" in New Ringgold, Pennsylvania and we revealed the documentary, "Can I Get a Witness?". "Can I Get a Witness?" is a short-film documentary based on the need for meaningful dialogue between Christians and Jehovah's Witnesses. The documentary is based on the newly released book, "Can I Get a Witness? How to understand and set free Jehovah's Witnesses" which I wrote. The book and documentary focus on the need for more witnesses of Jesus to give JW's everywhere a witness of the real Jesus. It is my hope that this short film will explain and help Christians see the need to learn and engage Jehovah's Witness, the ministry that comes to our doorstep.

I am proud to reveal that exciting new documentary for everyone to share and enjoy. We bless God for his faithfulness is allowing us to film and produce this project. God has been faithful and provided mightly in creating and bringing together this short film and we are excited to share it with the world. You can view this documentary in the following link on Youtube.

It is vital that you help us reach as many people as possible and share this with your Christian friends, ministers, and Pastors. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

"Can I Get A Witness?" Now Available on Amazon!

"Can I Get a Witness? How to understand and set free Jehovah's Witnesses" is now available for purchase on as a downloadable e-Book. I praise God for his faithfulness and providence in allowing me to write and finish this book. I thank everyone who supported me and financially contributed to our project on KickStarter. Now its time to let this book fly and see where God takes it.  We still need your help and support! We need to spread the word about this ministry and our "Can I Get a Witness?" project. My goal is to reach as many Christians, Churches, ministries and ultimately Jehovah's Witnesses with "Can I Get a Witness?" to help educate and inform believers on how to reach out and effectively minister to JW's and the lost. Purchase the book, watch our new documentary and share it with others. 

I've already gone to a few events and Churches talking to people about our book and ministry and the feedback has been incredible. But I need your prayers and support. My entire family are still JW's and they are aware of my ministry and projects. They view my ministry as an attack on the religion that they love, and they believe that my book as smear-apostate literature. But the opposite is true! For those who have already begun to read the book, you see that I have had a great deal of respect for JW's and only offer a bridge of understanding and love for those who wish to reach out to them. I love Jehovah's Witnesses, and my book is a labor of love toward them as my prayer is that they come to know Jesus Christ. To my family and former associates, I am the enemy and many in my family have already let me know this loud and clear. Launching this book and ministry is bittersweet, on the one hand I know this is God's calling and will for me, and yet it is still difficult to be viewed as an enemy by the people I love. 

I praise God however because I know that our labor in the Lord is never in vain, even if this book was meant to only reach a few people, at the end it will all be worth it. May God use this book and project to advance his Kingdom and bring Christians to the conviction that they need to be witnesses of Jesus, even to the Jehovah's Witnesses.