"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you".
(Matthew 28:19,20)
With those words the Lord Jesus Christ gave his people the
Great Commission to preach and make disciples in the name of the
Triune God. How are we doing with the Masters commission nearly 2000
years later? Unfortunately, it feels like the North American Church has
forgotten the greatest command given to men, to teach and preach the Saviors
gospel. The Church in America has deviated from the call, today we hire
men (and sometimes women) to preach God's Word to the layman. We have
prestigious Universities where we send our Pastors and clergy to be
"qualified" to teach the Bible and understand its message. We
have assigned the duty of "preaching" and evangelism to hired-men
instead of obeying the Masters commission.
Brethen, we have a sacred honor and duty. Many
Christians today feel that it is not their "calling" or
"gifting" to evangelize to people and non-believers, many have
deluded themselves to believe they are not called or qualified to preach.
This is error, the error and sin of omission. A dear brother in the
Lord, George Alvarado, has written a book where he has coined a word to
describe the sin of not sharing your faith, "Apocity".
In his book, "Apocity the Greatest Omission", George makes a
biblical case for evangelism in the Christian Church by the actual members of
the Church. In this book we are
confronted with the Masters call, and one of my favorite themes in this book is
that we are a commissioned people. We as
a people have orders; Jesus gave us the commission to “go”, so why aren’t we
Maybe one of the things that are holding you back is that
you may not know how to effectively share your faith. Maybe you are too shy or nervous. Maybe you may not know where to even
begin! Many of these questions are
answered and addressed in this book. I
fully endorse and support George and his book “Apocity”, it is a message that
the Church is in dire need of hearing.
It is a call to resurgence and awakening for the body of Christ. We have a duty brothers and sisters; let us
take seriously our Lord’s commission. We
have all been called to this work, let us equip one another to do the work we
have been called to do.
To read and support our brother in this endeavor to equip
fellow believers, follow the link below.