Monday, March 23, 2015

A New Book on Religion and Politics

Today Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz was the first of a likely crowed field of Presidential Contenders to formally announce his candidacy for the White House.  As the Presidential Primary Season officially kicking off, it is only fitting that I announce the upcoming completion and release of my second book, "Who Would Jesus Vote For?".

As we can see from the setting in which Senator Cruz announced his candidacy, in front of a jam packed audience at Liberty University, an Evangelical Christian University, faith and especially the Christian faith will play a huge part of this election cycle.  No doubt Senator Cruz craftily orchestrated this move in order to appeal to Social Conservatives and the Christian right early on in this race.  Religion and Christianity has always played a major role in our Political System, in fact many argue that it is indeed the basis of American democracy and ideals.  However this raises a lot of serious questions.

  • Is America a Christian Nation?  
  • Are we to vote Democrat or Republican?  
  • How do we choose a candidate?  
  • Is it biblical to vote in a Democracy? 
  • And most importantly, Who Would Jesus Vote For?
In the new book, "Who Would Jesus Vote For?" we challenge the status quo and conventional thinking of Christians, Democrats and Republicans alike.  The book examines these and many more questions from a Biblical perspective and points to God's Kingdom as the key to this World's broken and divided Political System.

Often time we ask ourselves "What Would Jesus Do?" or WWJD, but today and through this Political Election cycle I want all Bible believing Christians to begin to ask themselves instead "Who Would Jesus Vote For?" or WWJVF.  My prayer is that this would not be just another book but rather that it would be a movement of God's people in this broken World.

You can look forward to the release of this book in the Summer of 2015.  In order to release this book we will need your support and prayers. In the coming months we will need to raise the appropriate funds in order to get this book to the masses.  Stay tuned for more information on "Who Would Jesus Vote For?" in the coming weeks and months.


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