Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Support, "Can I Get A Witness?"

The book, "Can I Get a Witness?" is just about ready for publishing! I am proud to announce that we are looking at a October, 3rd release of the eBook version of "Can I Get A Witness?", and a November release for the paperback version, but we need your help! Please pray and consider helping us raise the necessary funds to get this into the publishers hands. As you can imagine, producing a documentary and writing a book takes a lot of time, research, effort and resources. This is a project with the potential of reaching thousands with the life saving message of the Gospel. We've been blown away with the excitement and enthusiasm surrounding this groundbreaking project, but in order for us to get this project to as many people as possible we need your help. This project has been funded by myself with very little outside monetary help, and in order to get this book and documentary out for the World to enjoy, we need to raise $1,000 to pay for the printing and publishing fees and film related costs. By God's grace we have been able to raise a little over half of our goal! We pray that God would raise up people who believe in this project and the message behind it, and help us reach countless thousands with the Gospel of Jesus. "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."(2 Cor 9:7) 
Please visit this link and learn how you can help us reach our goal!
How you can help: 1. Pray for us! We've had a lot of obstacles over the last few months, spiritually, financially and family wise. We know that Satan does not want this book and documentary out, and I need your prayers to be bold. 2. If you feel so led, consider helping us meet our goal of reaching $1,000, which is the bare minimum needed for Amazon to convert and format the book into eBook and paperback versions. 3. Spread the word! Spread the word on this important project that can reach thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses and help Christians better understand and minister to JW's. Spread the word on the need that we have, so that by God's grace we can meet it.
If we cannot raise the minimum amount of $1,000, Kickstarter.com will not charge any of the pledged amounts and we will walk away with no funds for this project, and consequently we will be forced to delay the project. Please send this to friends, family, ministries and churches.
Thank you very much for your prayers and continued support! Please do not take this message as me trying to pressure anyone into giving, I know the times are difficult. But any contribution will help. You can donate anywhere from $500 to $1, every gift counts! May God bless you and keep you all in Christ.
Brian Garcia, Real Truth Ministries