Sunday, October 27, 2013

Can I Get a Witness? Documentary

On October 4-6, 2013 we attended the annual "Witnesses Now for Jesus Convention" in New Ringgold, Pennsylvania and we revealed the documentary, "Can I Get a Witness?". "Can I Get a Witness?" is a short-film documentary based on the need for meaningful dialogue between Christians and Jehovah's Witnesses. The documentary is based on the newly released book, "Can I Get a Witness? How to understand and set free Jehovah's Witnesses" which I wrote. The book and documentary focus on the need for more witnesses of Jesus to give JW's everywhere a witness of the real Jesus. It is my hope that this short film will explain and help Christians see the need to learn and engage Jehovah's Witness, the ministry that comes to our doorstep.

I am proud to reveal that exciting new documentary for everyone to share and enjoy. We bless God for his faithfulness is allowing us to film and produce this project. God has been faithful and provided mightly in creating and bringing together this short film and we are excited to share it with the world. You can view this documentary in the following link on Youtube.

It is vital that you help us reach as many people as possible and share this with your Christian friends, ministers, and Pastors. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

"Can I Get A Witness?" Now Available on Amazon!

"Can I Get a Witness? How to understand and set free Jehovah's Witnesses" is now available for purchase on as a downloadable e-Book. I praise God for his faithfulness and providence in allowing me to write and finish this book. I thank everyone who supported me and financially contributed to our project on KickStarter. Now its time to let this book fly and see where God takes it.  We still need your help and support! We need to spread the word about this ministry and our "Can I Get a Witness?" project. My goal is to reach as many Christians, Churches, ministries and ultimately Jehovah's Witnesses with "Can I Get a Witness?" to help educate and inform believers on how to reach out and effectively minister to JW's and the lost. Purchase the book, watch our new documentary and share it with others. 

I've already gone to a few events and Churches talking to people about our book and ministry and the feedback has been incredible. But I need your prayers and support. My entire family are still JW's and they are aware of my ministry and projects. They view my ministry as an attack on the religion that they love, and they believe that my book as smear-apostate literature. But the opposite is true! For those who have already begun to read the book, you see that I have had a great deal of respect for JW's and only offer a bridge of understanding and love for those who wish to reach out to them. I love Jehovah's Witnesses, and my book is a labor of love toward them as my prayer is that they come to know Jesus Christ. To my family and former associates, I am the enemy and many in my family have already let me know this loud and clear. Launching this book and ministry is bittersweet, on the one hand I know this is God's calling and will for me, and yet it is still difficult to be viewed as an enemy by the people I love. 

I praise God however because I know that our labor in the Lord is never in vain, even if this book was meant to only reach a few people, at the end it will all be worth it. May God use this book and project to advance his Kingdom and bring Christians to the conviction that they need to be witnesses of Jesus, even to the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Support, "Can I Get A Witness?"

The book, "Can I Get a Witness?" is just about ready for publishing! I am proud to announce that we are looking at a October, 3rd release of the eBook version of "Can I Get A Witness?", and a November release for the paperback version, but we need your help! Please pray and consider helping us raise the necessary funds to get this into the publishers hands. As you can imagine, producing a documentary and writing a book takes a lot of time, research, effort and resources. This is a project with the potential of reaching thousands with the life saving message of the Gospel. We've been blown away with the excitement and enthusiasm surrounding this groundbreaking project, but in order for us to get this project to as many people as possible we need your help. This project has been funded by myself with very little outside monetary help, and in order to get this book and documentary out for the World to enjoy, we need to raise $1,000 to pay for the printing and publishing fees and film related costs. By God's grace we have been able to raise a little over half of our goal! We pray that God would raise up people who believe in this project and the message behind it, and help us reach countless thousands with the Gospel of Jesus. "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."(2 Cor 9:7) 
Please visit this link and learn how you can help us reach our goal!
How you can help: 1. Pray for us! We've had a lot of obstacles over the last few months, spiritually, financially and family wise. We know that Satan does not want this book and documentary out, and I need your prayers to be bold. 2. If you feel so led, consider helping us meet our goal of reaching $1,000, which is the bare minimum needed for Amazon to convert and format the book into eBook and paperback versions. 3. Spread the word! Spread the word on this important project that can reach thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses and help Christians better understand and minister to JW's. Spread the word on the need that we have, so that by God's grace we can meet it.
If we cannot raise the minimum amount of $1,000, will not charge any of the pledged amounts and we will walk away with no funds for this project, and consequently we will be forced to delay the project. Please send this to friends, family, ministries and churches.
Thank you very much for your prayers and continued support! Please do not take this message as me trying to pressure anyone into giving, I know the times are difficult. But any contribution will help. You can donate anywhere from $500 to $1, every gift counts! May God bless you and keep you all in Christ.
Brian Garcia, Real Truth Ministries

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Can I Get a Witness? Explaining the upcoming Book and Documentary

Exactly one year ago I began to contemplate writing a book and making a documentary on a topic very dear to my heart, Jehovah's Witnesses.  I have been out of the Watchtower for nearly 5 years, and in my new walk as a Christian I have encountered hundreds of other Christians who know very little about Jehovah's Witnesses.  In fact for many of my new friends, all they knew about the Witnesses was that I used to be one.  

As I began thinking about what I could write about I knew that I wanted to produce something different, I did not want to put out another book or film about "how wrong" the Witnesses are in their teachings, or how they are a "cult" and "false prophets".  There are plenty of books from people of the outside looking into the Watchtower organization and trying to debunk their teachings, and there are plenty of films of ex-JW's being critical of the Watchtower Society.  I did not want to simply critique my former religion, I wanted to help people understand my former religion.  You see, in my 5 years as a Born again Christian most  believers were totally oblivious to the history and teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses, and even if they learned about their teachings how would they be able to minister effectively to them when they came knocking on the door?  Where do you begin?  I also wanted a book that if lets say a my JW brother or sister picked up and read it, they would understand why I left and understand that I am not simply some crazy "apostate", but a Christian who truly loves them enough to speak the truth to them.

This book and documentary project is a result of a dire need, we need more Christians in the Church to stand up and give a witness to Jehovah's Witnesses.  Thus was born, "Can I Get a Witness?".  This project is aimed at Christians to help educate them about Jehovah's Witnesses from the eyes of someone who was born and raised as one, from someone who loved it and defended it proudly.  In the book I help the reader understand the mindset I had as a Jehovah's Witness, what the Watchtower taught and why I believed it.  I then offer a Biblical defense of the real Christian teachings on topics such as the deity of Christ, the Trinity, life after death, Heaven, Hell, Paradise Earth and many more.  The book is not meant to be an exhaustive commentary on every aspect of Watchtower theology, and I will not cover every single controversy in the JW religion.  But I will offer key insight on the history, teachings and mindset of Jehovah's Witnesses, while also equipping the reader with a defense for the true gospel.

The documentary will be a lead in for the book.  My goal for the "Can I Get a Witness?" film is to highlight the fact that many Christians know very little about Jehovah's Witnesses, and offer reasons why it is important that true Christians be "ready to offer a defense for the hope within" (1 Peter 3:15), and be obedient to the call of our Master Christ, and be witnesses of Him to people of all faiths and backgrounds. (Acts 1:8) In the documentary I interview Christians, non-Christians, Pastors, and EX-JW's on various topics of JW's.  I also highlight a personal journey to the mecca of Jehovah's Witnesses, the Brooklyn Headquarters of the Watchtower Society. 

Please be in prayer for me as I finish up the remaining chapters of my book and the final editing stages of the documentary.  I have encountered a lot of opposition to this book within my JW family circle, but I know that it is God's perfect will that I continue forward with these projects.  I am excited to announce that the book and full 20 minute documentary will release early this fall, with the book being published on ebook and physical copy by Amazon, and the documentary will be released on Youtube.  Help spread the word to friends and family, your churches and pastors.  Together we can help fellow believers be equipped with the Good News, and with the ability to give a witness to Jehovah's Witnesses. Can I Get a Witness?

Check out the trailer for the upcoming book and documentary, "Can I Get a Witness?"

Monday, May 27, 2013

I am not an Apostate, I am a Christian- A response to Jehovah's Witnesses

I recently heard a discourse that was given at a district convention of Jehovah's Witnesses entitled "Truth brings, not Peace, but a Sword" which will be heard by millions of Jehovah's Witnesses at this years "God's Word is Truth!" district convention.  The talk I heard was given by a Bethelite(a person who has served in a Watchtower facility) and lasted about 20 minutes.  The talk was based upon Jesus' words in Matthew 10:34-36 which reads "Do not think I came to put peace upon the earth; I came to put, not peace, but a sword.  For I came to cause division, with a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a young wife against her mother‐in‐law.  Indeed, a man’s enemies will be persons of his own household." (NWT)

In this talk I heard the speaker talk about the importance of serving God and Christ and that we ought to be loyal to them, things that I totally affirm and believe. I then began to hear the speaker talk about how following Christ sometimes brings division in some families, something that I also believe in and have experienced.  However the speaker goes even further when he explains that it isn't "the truth"(aka the Watchtower religion) that causes division, rather "that division is because of that family member who refuses to have union with Jehovah God and Jesus Christ and he opposes us".  It's no secret that I was raised in a very devout Jehovah Witness family, I was baptized at 13 years of age and was very zealous in my religion.  At the age of 16 I came to a crossing point between what I read in the pages of the Watchtower and what I found in the Bible.  At 16 I disassociated myself for finding faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ, I was not disfellowshipped.  This statement from the convention talk troubles me; I have never refused to be in fellowship or union with Jehovah and Jesus, in fact it was for that very reason that I left.  You see Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only those who associate with their organization can have a relationship with God and Christ, and because I left the JW organization to follow Jesus Christ, in the eyes of the Watchtower and my JW relatives, I am an apostate.  JW's are known for shunning those who leave the faith, a practice they call "disfellowshipping".  They are taught that disfellowshipped or disassociated people are not be to spoken to, that they are unclean and unworthy to be apart of the life of active JW's.

The tone of the talk quickly starts to turn to a predictable us v.s them, we are right, anyone who leaves is wrong.  How reassuring.  The speaker goes onto recognize how important the family bond is, how the bond is even God ordained!  But, the speaker goes on to stress that if a member of that family leaves the organization, they automatically become "wrongdoers" who are the ones who "changed their relationship with Jehovah" and with JW family members.  They shift the blame on the person who left, because of course there is never a legitimate reason to leave that religious organization.  The speaker merely tells those who may have ex-JW family members to "respect Jehovah's arrangement for discipline."  He also warned that "disloyalty to that arrangement results in more distress".  In horrid fashion, the speaker likens disfellowshipped family members to "drug addicts or an alcoholic".  Really?  

This is what worries me, my family member who are still devout Jehovah's Witnesses who will be attending this years convention and who will hear this very 20 minute talk, will in effect view me as an enemy, an apostate.  It has been more than 5 years since I disassociated myself and was born again as a follower of Jesus(John 3:3-7), in those 5 years I have put a lot of effort to reconcile certain family relationships.  In 5 years I went from being an outcast in my own family being disowned, to being respected by at least some of my dear family.  I worry that in 20 minutes, 5 years of prayers, tearers, and patience, will be undone.  In 20 minutes I will likely become an enemy instead of a son, a brother, a cousin, and family.  In 20 minutes I become the kin to a drug addict or alcoholic, instead of being recognized as a faithful husband, father and Christian.  

In hypocritical fashion, the Watchtower Society published the article “Is it Wrong to Change Your Religion?” in the July 2009 Awake p29 states: “No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.”  This is a clear double standard, for they obviously make people choose between their religious conscious and their family.  Ever since I was a little boy all I ever desired was to worship and serve the One True God, and when I began to understand that "the truth" was not simply a religious organization that was started in the late 1800's, but that "the truth" was in fact a Person, I was convinced that I had found the way.  Why?  Because when Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life", I believe he meant it.(John 14:6)  

Jesus said "Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.  And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."(Matthew 10:37-39)  I have indeed lost all things for the sake of Christ, like Paul "I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things."(Philippians 3:8)  I want my family and every other Jehovah's Witness to understand that leaving their religion for Jesus doesn't make me an apostate, it makes me a Christian.  I never left Jehovah, I found Jehovah; well actually Jehovah found me.  May Jehovah God open the eyes of those who are being misled by the Watchtower, and find those lost within the walls of the Watchtower so that they may see the light of the glory of the gospel of Christ.(2 Corinthians 4:4)  Amen.

You can hear the talk describe above in the following link:

Brian G
Real Truth Ministries